Somos calidoscopios. Un corpo cun único visor, cheo de anaquiños de aquí e de acolá que van caendo dun lado para outro de xeito caprichoso. Son os espellos os que crean unha vista homoxénea. Reproducen unha e outra vez eses elementos e acumúlanos, ordenando ese fermoso caos.
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dp792, sen título en Pixabay CC0 1.0 |
O espello número un foron aquelas clases aos/ás pequenos/as do lugar. Con 13-14 anos había pouca base pedagóxica, pero moita cercanía, confianza e ganas.
O espello número dous constituírono as clases do 2003 no Willenhall School Sports College. O primeiro traballo en equipo. Enriquecedor, simbiótico.
O espello número tres veu dado pola University of Kansas. Unha experiencia de aprendizaxe integral, unha exploración profunda das habilidades que hai que activar e pór en acción á hora de ensinar. O Department of Spanish and Portuguese e o Center for Teaching Excellence fan un traballo extraordinario de formación, asesoramento, guía e mentorización. A observación e o acompañamento continuado de compañeiros/as e xefes/as de departamento permitiume detectar carencias e necesidades e conformar unha filosofía do ensino e unha metodoloxía de traballo na que creo firmemente. Marcoume un camiño no que sigo tentando andar.
O espello número catro foi a case-década na Escola Oficial de Idiomas. O pouso da continuidade, a aprendizaxe de grandes profesionais cunha experiencia máis dilatada e o sentimento de pertencer a un centro unido e con visión.
O espello número cinco é o traballo no Centro Autonómico de Formación e Innovación (CAFI). Por primeira vez en moito tempo, lonxe da aula e tendo que ampliar miras alén do ensino de linguas. Aprendendo de xigantes que traballan ao meu carón ou en centros educativos dos que non oíra nin falar.
Este é un calidoscopio inventado: non hai calidoscopios con cinco espellos, o máximo son tres. As visións que obterás serán deformadas, de cando en cando caerá algún anaco de vidro ou algún elemento inesperado. Éche o que ten a experiencia persoal e a subxectividade.
Deixarei un rastro de peciñas, colle as que che vallan.
Mirror number two were those 2003 classes at Willenhall School Sports College. The first time I felt part of a team. An enriching, symbiotic experience.
Mirror number three was provided by the University of Kansas. A comprehensive learning experience, a deep insight into the skills that must be activated and put into practice when teaching. The Department of Spanish and Portuguese and the Center for Teaching Excellence do an outstanding job at training, guiding and mentoring new teachers. Observation and continued guidance from peers and heads of department raised awareness of my weaknesses and helped me put together a teaching philosophy and methodology which I still stick to. It lit a path that I will strive to follow.
Deixarei un rastro de peciñas, colle as que che vallan.
We are kaleidoscopes. A body with just one eyehole and bits and pieces that fall whimsically here and there. It's the mirror assembly that creates a homogeneous view. It shows a reflection of the elements and repeats it in a loop, creating order out of that beautiful chaos.
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dp792, sen título en Pixabay CC0 1.0 |
Mirror number one were those classes I gave to children in my small village. I was only 13-14 and had little pedagogical knowledge, but I was close, reliable, and enthusiastic.
Mirror number two were those 2003 classes at Willenhall School Sports College. The first time I felt part of a team. An enriching, symbiotic experience.
Mirror number three was provided by the University of Kansas. A comprehensive learning experience, a deep insight into the skills that must be activated and put into practice when teaching. The Department of Spanish and Portuguese and the Center for Teaching Excellence do an outstanding job at training, guiding and mentoring new teachers. Observation and continued guidance from peers and heads of department raised awareness of my weaknesses and helped me put together a teaching philosophy and methodology which I still stick to. It lit a path that I will strive to follow.
Mirror number four was the close to a decade experience at an EOI (Official School of Languages). It allowed for ongoing development, learning from great professionals with a wider experience and the feeling of belonging to a school that had a vision.
Mirror number five is my current job at a teacher training centre (CAFI). For the first time in a long while, I am away from the classroom and having to expand horizons beyond language teaching. I am learning from giants, both those that work next to me in our organization, and those that work in schools I had never even heard of.
This is an imaginary kaleidoscope - there are no kaleidoscopes with five mirrors, three is the maximum. The visions you will get in this blog will be deformed. Once in a while, a little glass piece or unexpected element will fall down. It's to be expected when subjective views are expressed.
I will leave a trail of little pieces behind, take the ones that best suit your needs.
I will leave a trail of little pieces behind, take the ones that best suit your needs.
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